Kennel Blend Large Breed

The Kennel Blend dog food line is formulated with protein as the first ingredient with healthy whole grain brown rice and barley to create a well-rounded diet. Additional nutrients are provided by Flaxseed, Herring Oil and Oatmeal, which support skin and coat condition. With the addition of prebiotic fibers, such as Chicory Root and Yeast Extract, we look to promote healthy digestion.

Formulated for large breed dogs. When changing your dog’s diet to Kennel Blend Large Breed Dog Food, always change slowly by gradually combining an increased amount of the new diet into the old diet over 7 to 10 days to allow your dog’s digestive system to adjust. Kennel Blend Large Breed Dog Food may be served dry or moistened with warm water, milk, or gravy in the ratio of 1 part liquid to 4-6 parts Kennel Blend Large Breed Dog Food. Adjust to desired consistency. Do not soak. As dogs have a very refined sense of taste and smell, be sure to keep your pet’s feeding and water bowls sparkling clean. Fresh water should be available at all times.

Feeding amounts may vary with age, breed, size and level of activity of your pet, adjust feeding amounts accordingly. Consult your veterinarian in regards to any health or feeding irregularities.

Amount may be divided into two meals per day. No additional supplements are required.

Pregnant or nursing females may require 2 to 4 times the adult recommendation. Puppies 4-6 weeks may be offered food free choice.

Regular veterinary care is essential to the health of your pet.

Store in a cool, dry location in closed packaging.

Crude Protein (min) 22.0%

Crude Fat (min) 12.0%

Crude Fibre (max) 5.0%

Moisture (max) 10.0%

Individual results from the use of this product may vary due to management, environment, genetics, health, and sanitation differences. Trouw Nutrition Canada, Inc. does not warrant or guarantee individual results.

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