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Show Calf Finisher Ration

Since 1969, Hi-Pro Show Calf Finisher Ration has excelled in getting show calves ready for the show ring.

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Features: Benefits:
Complete high energy ration Show cattle perform to their potential with rapid growth and weight gain.
Steam flaked corn Steam flaking increases the digestibility of corn for better feed conversions.
Microbial inoculant containing Lactobacillus Plantarum, Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus casei, and Lactobacillus acidophilus   Provides a source of live, naturally occurring microorganisms to help bring cattle on feed quickly, and to maintain a digestive tract.
Yeast culture Helps to nurture microbial population in the rumen which optimizes feed digestibility.
Trace mineral and vitamin fortified Provides nutritionally essential trace minerals to meet increased requirements for growth and metabolism.
Live saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast Encourages stabilization of rumen pH helping to prevent acidosis.
Chromium supplement Furnishes an essential nutrient with beneficial effects on performance, health, and blood metabolites.
Amino Acid complex Complexed copper, zinc, and manganese that is highly bioavailable.
Yeast extract – premium source of Mannan oligosaccharides and β-Glucans.

-Aids natural body defenses.

-Aids in decreasing pathogen pressure.

Feed from 1.5% to 2.5% of body weight to beef cattle after cattle have been brought up to full feed on #10019 Hi-Pro Show Calf Starter. Daily feed allowance should be divided into two or more equal feedings per day to help prevent digestive upsets. Hi-Pro #10022 contains a high grain level. #10022 should be introduced to animals gradually until the desired feeding level is achieved. Hand feed to mature cattle with hay or other roughage to help prevent digestive upsets.


Crude Protein (min) This includes not more than 0.65% equivalent protein from non-protein nitrogen 12.0% Salt (min) 0.4%
Crude Fat (min) 5.0% Salt (max) 0.9%
Crude Fiber (max) 12.5 % Chromium (min) 300 ppb
Calcium (min) 0.6% Copper (min) 25.0 ppm
Calcium (max) 1.1% Manganese  (min) 40 ppm
Magnesium (min) 0.2% Zinc (min) 130.0 ppm
Phosphorous 0.4% Vitamin A (min) 6,000 IU/lb
Potassium (min) 0.9% Vitamin E (min) 55.0 IU/lb
Ash (max) 9.0%


  • Cheyenne, OK
  • Friona, TX
  • Comanche, TX

Use only as directed. For beef cattle only. This feed contains added copper. Do not feed to sheep or related species. Feed Hi-Pro Show Lamb Feeds to sheep.

This feed contains added chromium. Do not exceed 0.5 milligrams of chromium from chromium propionate per kilogram of the complete feed. Provide fresh, clean water at all times. Keep feed fresh in cool, dry storage. Do not use feed that is old, molded, or contaminated by insects.

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